Fav Blouse

To me this is my favorite month because of course I was born 13th Jan , but it also means that it’s officially summer, and in the summer months sometimes there’s nothing better than wearing a crisp white shirt. When I found this Harry-on-a-classic a few weeks ago, I snatched it up immediately not only because it was marked down , but for the easy-to-wear style and breathable fabric for the hot summer months. This look is perfect for a weekday or for a casual Sunday brunch. This is a summer wardrobe purchase that I highly recommend! 

And let all have a good Year (2017) and to plan the best year Ever! 

You need to look back at what you did last year and compare it to your goals and visions for your life. Your experiences from last year can help you create your best year yet, but you have to evaluate those experiences so you know what worked and what didn’t. The key is to have a Plan! Write down big visions you have for your life.Your list can include anything you want – this is a list of what you want to do, so make sure it reflects your deepest desires.


Outfit From Mrp

Photos by Khethelo Nzimande


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